Vegetable, Salad, Fruit Box - Medium (for 2 people)
Vegetable, Salad, Fruit Box - Medium (for 2 people)
Contains: Potatoes 2kg x 1. Carrots 500g x 1. Onions medium x 3 Cauliflower x 1. Cabbage green savoy x 1. Swede x 1. Broccoli x 1*. Lettuce x 1. Cucumber x 1. Tomatoes 500g pack x1. Pepper x 1. Mushroom button 250g x1. Apples x 4. Satsumas x 4. Banana x 4. Grapes 500g punnet x 1. Plums 500g x 1*. Milk 2 litre semi skimmed x 1. Hovis Loaf 50/50 x 1. Eggs med x 6.
*Some produce is subject to change according to seasonality and availability:
Broccoli (Tender steam). Cabbage green savoy (Spring green, Hispi cabbage, New season cabbage primo). Swede (Parsnips, Sweet potato). Plums (Kiwifruit, Mango or other).